Koji spores Shiro-Koji (Aspergillus Luchuensis Kawachii - White Citric)

Koji spores Shiro-Koji (Aspergillus Luchuensis Kawachii - White Citric)
Tane Koji (Koji spores) of Shiro-Koji (Aspergillus luchuensis mut. kawachii - White Citric Koji) has now become available in Australia exclusively and officially imported from Kagoshima, Japan.
Shiro Koji (Aspergillus luchuensis mut. kawachii) is the Koji spores used for Shochu (distilled alcoholic spirit) production in Japan, this Shiro Koji spores is from the very original place, Kawachi Genichiro Shoten.
More than 80% of Shochu companies in Japan produce Shochu with Koji spores from Kawachi Genichiro Shoten.
A packet of Tane Koji contains 15g of Koji spores that are to produce 15kg of Rice or Barley Koji.
The way Shiro-Koji grows is different from the way Ki-Koji (A.oryzae) does.
The growth speed would be slower than Ki-Koji. Shiro Koji produces citric acid.
As Shiro Koji spores (A.luchuensis) is not included in a list of approved starter cultures in Australia unlike Aspergillus oryzae (Ki-Koji), we import the spores under the permit issued by the Australian Government.
*The packet comes with a slip “Koji and co - Enjoy Safe Koji Fermentation“.
*Please do NOT order from New Zealand or other countries than Australia to which we are unable to send.
*The packet comes with a slip “Koji and co - Enjoy Safe Koji Fermentation“.