About Akita Sugi
Cryptomeria Japonica (’SUGI’ in Japanese) is a conifer in the Cypress family endemic to Japan,
often refereed to as ‘Japanese Cedar’ in English.
‘Akita Sugi’ is a specific name for ‘Cryptomeria Japonica’growing in Akita prefecture, that is deemed as one of the three most beautiful forests in Japan.
words by food writer / author Nancy Singleton Hachisu
Koji Futa
Sugi is regarded as most suitable timber for Koji trays and they have been used in professional and commercial production at Koji specialty makers, Miso makers and Sake breweries throughout the history of Japan.
They are not often on the market for individual usages even in Japan.
This Koji Buta is made genuinely with wild Akita Sugi with no adhesives. It is rare, professional and the top quality Koji tray in the world.
This exceptional tubs for Sake, Shoyu, Miso brewing are made with craftsmanship using Akita Sugi, and the hoop parts are made with bamboo grown in Kyoto.
Through using Oke for brewing over time, fermentation microorganisms will be alive in the timber that would enhance flavour of Miso. And the Miso would be pleasantly scented with Akita Sugi. You will be able to make one of a kind Sake, Shoyu, Miso at home.
When taken care properly, Oke can be used for your life time. The Oke can also be used for Nuka pickling as well.
Sake Daru
Throughout the history of Japan, Sake had been stored and transported in wooden Taru (casks) until they started to be bottled in glass recently.
We often see a big Sake Daru in a ceremony “Kagami-Biraki” to break open Taru with wooden mallets to pray for well-being and happiness.
Storing Sake in Sake Daru adds pleasant scent to Sake. You can enjoy Sugi fragrant Sake with these relatively small Taru for individual usage at home.