How to fix the bamboo hoop parts of Kioke

How to fix the bamboo hoop parts of Kioke


When the hoop parts of Akita Sugi Kioke get loosened

The wood expands when the air is humid and shrinks when the air is dry.
Particular in winter time when the air is dry, there are chances that the hoop parts of Oke or Taru gets loosened, and, over the time when you are storing Sake or aging Miso, the pressure from the content could expand the wood which could cause loosening the hoop parts.
You would be able to fix the problems on your own as follows.

You will need to use a hammer and a small wooden board to fix. Please use appropriate equipments such as gloves and follow the process very carefully to avoid injuring yourself.
If the hoop parts are damaged badly, you may not be able to fix it with this instruction.


Turn the Kioke upside down and hammer with a wooden board for bamboo hoops 

The hoop parts can be tightened by being hammered with a wooden board. Work on from the top hoop (bottom ones when you turn it upside down) to bottom hoops.





When the hoop parts of Kioke get damaged

The bamboo parts being made of natural material, rapid change in temperature or dryness of the storage area could result in snapping the bamboo hoops. A light bump could snap a part.
However, the hoops are weaved carefully with a strip of bamboo using traditional techniques and, a small cut on the hoop would not affect the function of Taru or Oke at all most of the time, unless the part is hugely damaged.
You can fix the snapped part on your own following the instruction as below.
You will need to use a cutter. Please use appropriate equipments such as gloves and follow the process very carefully to avoid injuring yourself.
If the hoop parts are damaged badly, you may not be able to fix it with this instruction.
  1. Cut the snapped part with a cutter very carefully
  2. You may want to lay the Oke on its side when working on
  3. Break off the cut part
  4. Make a cut further on the part, but try not to cut the strip underneath
  5. Cut off the broken part
  6. Cut some fine splits with a cutter, if you find ones on the surrounding part 
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