Capellini with tomatoes, basil and Shio Koji

Capellini with tomatoes, basil and Shio Koji



A super simple summer dish with Shio Koji.
The Shio Koji marinaded tomatoes is absolutely great on capellini as a chilled pasta dish but also perfect on baguette as Bruschetta!

For such a simple recipe, the quality of the ingredients does matter. Try this recipe with our exceptional unpasteurized Shio Koji.


Ingredients (2 servings)

2 tomatoes
5 leaves of basil

- sauce -

Extra virgin olive oil        2TBS
Shio Koji                         2TBS
Balsamic vinegar             1TSP
pepper                            pinch



Dice tomatoes, chop basil leaves and mix with the sauce.


Enjoy the marinade on chilled capellini or baguette!